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Why glass factories need water quality testing:

Why glass factories need water quality testing:

  1. Ensure the smooth running of the production process:

A large amount of water is needed in the production of glass products. If the water quality does not meet the production requirements, may affect the quality of glass products.

Therefore, the water quality testing can ensure the quality of production water, to ensure the smooth operation of the production process.

  1. Comply with environmental regulations:

With increasingly stringent environmental regulations, glass factories need to ensure that their production activities comply with relevant environmental requirements.

Water quality testing is one of the most important parts of environmental supervision, which can ensure that the wastewater discharged from the factory meets the environmental protection standards and avoid pollution to the environment.

  1. Prevent equipment corrosion:

If there are too many impurities or harmful substances in the water, it may cause corrosion to the production equipment and shorten the service life of the equipment.

Through the water quality monitoring, we can find the harmful substances in the water in time, and take corresponding measures to deal with, so as to protect the production equipment.

  1. Ensure employee health:

In the production process of glass product factories, employees need to contact and use water. If the water quality does not meet the hygiene standards, it may pose a threat to the health of employees.

Therefore, water quality testing can ensure that the water used by employees meets health standards and ensures the health of employees.

Main monitoring items:

  1. Turbidity:

Turbidity refers to the degree to which suspended matter in water impedes the transmission of light. High turbidity of water may affect the clarity and appearance of glass products.

  1. pH:

pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity of water. It is necessary to control the acidity and alkalinity of water in the production of glass products in order to avoid affecting the production equipment and product quality.

  1. Hardness:

The hardness of water is mainly determined by metal ions such as calcium and magnesium.

Excessive hardness may lead to scaling of equipment, affecting production efficiency.

  1. Total dissolved solids (TDS) :

TDS is the sum of all solid substances dissolved in water, usually expressed in milligrams per liter (mg/L) .

High TDS may affect the electrical and thermal conductivity of water, which may affect the glass production process.

  1. Heavy Metals:

The content of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium and mercury in water must be strictly controlled.

If these heavy metals exceed the standard, not only will affect product quality, but also may cause harm to the environment and human health.

  1. Temperature:

The temperature of water is also one of the factors that need to be considered.

In the production process of some glass products, water temperatures need to be controlled to ensure product quality.

Features of Wohuan Water Quality Monitoring Instruments:

1.High -precision and accuracy:

The production of glass products has high requirements for water quality.

Therefore, the monitoring instruments must have high accuracy to ensure the reliability of the measurement results.

2.A variety of water quality parameters can be monitored:

Water quality monitoring equipment of glass product factories can usually monitor multiple parameters, such as pH, conductivity, turbidity, hardness, dissolved oxygen, etc. to meet the needs of different production links.

3.Automation and intelligence:

Water quality monitoring equipment can automatically complete sampling, analysis, recording and other operations, reducing the workload of operators.

4.Easy to operate and maintain:

Equipment maintenance is relatively simple, easy to clean and maintain, reduce maintenance costs.